who is this justin?

Photo ©Leora Saul

Much like film noir, Justin Robinson was born and raised in Los Angeles. He splits his time between writing and taking care of a small human. Degrees in Anthropology and History prepared him for unemployment, but an obsession with horror fiction and a laundry list of phobias provided a more attractive option. He is the author of more than 15 novels in a variety of genres including noir, humor, fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Most of them are pretty good.

Justin is the co-host of Tread Perilously a weekly "worst of television” podcast (featured on Fanbase Press).

He and his wife Lauri Veverka started Captain Supermarket Press in 2013 when they published Coldheart, the first book in the League of Magi series. Lauri sometimes designs stuff and likes to read Justin’s books. Sometimes she designs stuff for his books. She also updates this website, sometimes.

Justin and his family reside in Los Angeles with extensive book, comic, and DVD collections.

Other Published Work


Why Captain Supermarket?

Sometimes American movies get inexplicable titles when they're released overseas. The Sam Raimi/Bruce Campbell classic Army of Darkness is one of these. For some reason, when it was released in Japan, they retitled it Captain Supermarket, which Justin promptly used as an alias on certain message boards. When Justin was looking for a website, JustinRobinson.com was taken by cybersquatters. CaptainSupermarket.com was available. The rest, as they say, is an anecdote.